Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causes of the French Revolution - 991 Words

For six of the eight causes of revolution, describe two events, actions or beliefs (evidence) during the years before the French Revolution that led to a developing revolutionary situation. Explain how each contributed to the revolutionary situation. Frances failed attempts at economic reform contributed heavily to the developing revolutionary situation. In August 1787, when the parlements refused to implement the Kings proposed changes to the financial system, it became clear that the Kings authority was weakening. The parlements rejected these reforms, arguing that only the nation, assembled through an Estates-General had the right to determine the need for tax reform. Its position was clearly stated: The constitutional principal of†¦show more content†¦For the urban workers, crop failures meant rises in food prices and more peasant workers moving into towns and competing for employment. Bread riots in the cities called on the King to control prices so that poor people could buy bread. The state of bankruptcy in the French Economy was a major factor causing the revolutionary situation. In 1786 Calonne noted that Â…it is impossible to tax further, ruinous to be always borrowing and not enough to confine ourselves to measures of economyÂ…ordinary ways are unable to lead us to our goalÂ…the only effective remedy, the only means of managing finally to put the finances truly in order, must consist in reviving the entire state by recasting all that it unsound in its constitution It is evident that France was in a state of financial crisis and could not have continued without major reform. Expenditure was much higher than income, nearly half the income for the following year had already been spent in advance, by taking out short term overseas loans. This state of Frances bankruptcy contributed directly to the revolution. The erosion of confidence in the government directly contributed to the revolutionary situation. All three estates were generally losing confidence in the King at the time leading up to revolution. All estates mentioned in the relevant cahiers that major decisions such as tax reforms and overseas loans should be agreed to by the Estates General, rather than by the King alone. This is evident inShow MoreRelatedCauses Of The French Revolution1119 Words   |  5 PagesThe French Revolution The French Revolution of 1789 was one of the biggest upheavals in history. You may be wondering what exactly led this to happen, but there were multiple long range causes. Political, social, and economic conditions ultimately led to the discontent of many French people especially those of the third estate. The ideals of the Enlightenment brought new views to government and society. Before the revolution, the majority of France were living in poverty. Peasants were entirelyRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution906 Words   |  4 PagesThe French Revolution began with a corrupt monarch, and ended with the death of thousands. In 1789 the bourgeoisie (middle class) and peasants revolted against King Louis XVI and nobility, citing various reasons as cause: including corruption and a poor economy. These people, making up 97% of the population, were known as the third estate. The original purpose of the revolution was to create a constitutional monarchy, but this idea quickly became lost in the radical ideas of the revolution. HoweverRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution911 Words   |  4 PagesThe French Revolution was a major turning point in all of European history. The old regime was destroyed and a new order came to be. We will talk about the causes of the revolution, when it ended, and if it was violent, Napoleon, what happened after his defeat, and some other leaders, and movies I have seen about the Revolution and how they were correct, plus other things I want to learn. The immediate cause of the French Revolution in 1789 was the near collapse of the French budget. On theRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution750 Words   |  3 PagesA revolution is a drastic change in the way something is done, such as a government or an economy. One such revolution took place in France where the government was changed several times, many different people obtained power, and traditional ideas were questioned. The French Revolution had many social, political, and economic factors that caused it, and it was very impactful on the people of France, and on the areas outside of it. There were many causes of the French Revolution; some were politicalRead MoreThe Causes Of The French Revolution902 Words   |  4 Pagesthe French Revolution was not caused by one single phenomenon, however it can be said that the events occurring in accordance with the French Revolution were not only terrifying but when looking through our eyes just clearly wrong. The most significant reasons for the French Revolution are the imbalance of equality, power, and rights these reasons are supported by the ideas of liberty and fraternity which developed from the enlightenment era philosophers. In conclusion to the French Revolution theRead MoreFrench Revolution Causes1139 Words   |  5 Pages The French Revolution was not an event that happened overnight but rather a series of events that occurred over several years leading up to the overthrow of the monarchy and the implementation of a new government. The Primary cause for the fall of the Ancien regime was its financial instability and inability to improve upon the lives of the French people. The 4 key flaws or events leading to the fall of the regime was; the structure of royal government, the taxation system, the structure of frenchRead MoreThe Causes Of The French Revolution1522 Words   |  7 PagesThe French Revolution The French Revolution was arguably one of the most significant and controversial events in European history. It occurred during the years 1789-1799 when many French citizens became enraged with society and demanded political, financial and social change. The French people’s primary goal was to put an end to monarchy and bring reform to many aspects of French life. Inspired and motivated by the famous American Revolution, French citizens were urged to take action in orderRead MoreCauses of the French Revolution3450 Words   |  14 PagesTHE FRENCH REVOLUTION (1789-1799) The French Revolution was a watershed event that changed Europe irrevocably and ended a century of slowly increasing opposition to absolutism and the supremacy of a decadent aristocracy. The causes of the French Revolution are difficult to pin down. Therefore, we will divide them into long-term and immediate causes. Within long-term causes, we will also define intellectual, political and economic causes. Long-Term Intellectual Causes Before a movement can reachRead MoreThe Cause Of The French Revolution2375 Words   |  10 PagesThe Cause of the French Revolution Throughout history, what remains true is that the people are the ones who start a revolution. And when around 98% of a population is suffering to make a living, there is little hope for those in power. Taxes levied only on the common folk, crippling wars that left France with huge debts, and the careless spending of the upper classes ultimately lead to the start of the revolution. The main political cause was that the King had too much power but weak foreign policyRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution733 Words   |  3 Pagesthese countries and in 1789 a revolution broke out. The French Revolution helped bring change to France and all of Europe by ending monarchies and spreading new ideas of democracy. There were many political, economic, and social problems that lead up to the French revolution. During this time, France was ruled by King Louis XVI. As mentioned in document 1, Louis ruled as an absolute monarch. He had total control over the government and its people, this caused many French citizens to be unhappy because

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